Citation Library

Razel Scientific Instruments keeps a detailed citations library of published research featuring our products. If you have a citation and would like to add it to our library, send your information to us by completing the “Submit a Citation” form.

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2011 D. A. Kupferschmidt, Z. J. Brown and S. Erb A procedure for studying the footshock-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking in laboratory rats., Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 47
1993 D. A. Williams and S. S. Segal Feed artery role in blood flow control to rat hindlimb skeletal muscles., The Journal of physiology, 463, 631-46
1994 D. Bai and D. B. Sattelle Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors on an identified motor neurone in the cockroach, Periplaneta americana., Neuroscience letters, 175, 1-2, 161-5
1993 D. Bai and D. B. Sattelle Neosurugatoxin blocks an alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor., Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology, 23, 4, 161-7
2005 D. C. Jones, C. Duvauchelle, A. Ikegami, C. M. Olsen, S. S. Lau, R. de la Torre and T. J. Monks Serotonergic neurotoxic metabolites of ecstasy identified in rat brain., The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 313, 1, 422-31
2007 D. Caprioli, G. Paolone, M. Celentano, A. Testa, P. Nencini and A. Badiani Environmental modulation of cocaine self-administration in the rat., Psychopharmacology (Berl), 192, 3, 397-406
2004 D. Guzman and A. Ettenberg Heroin attenuates the negative consequences of cocaine in a runway model of self-administration., Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 79, 2, 317-24