Citation Library

Razel Scientific Instruments keeps a detailed citations library of published research featuring our products. If you have a citation and would like to add it to our library, send your information to us by completing the “Submit a Citation” form.

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1998 K. Husain, C. Morris, C. Whitworth, G. L. Trammell, L. P. Rybak and S. M. Somani Protection by ebselen against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity: antioxidant system., Molecular and cellular biochemistry, 178, 1-2, 127-33
1994 K. R. Kosola and A. J. Bloom Methylammonium as a Transport Analog for Ammonium in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.), Plant physiology, 105, 1, 435-442
2005 L. A. Knackstedt and A. Ettenberg Ethanol consumption reduces the adverse consequences of self-administered intravenous cocaine in rats., Psychopharmacology, 178, 2-3, 143-50
2011 L. A. Tan, A. Al Chawaf, F. J. Vaccarino, P. C. Boutros and D. A. Lovejoy Teneurin C-terminal associated peptide (TCAP)-1 modulates dendritic morphology in hippocampal neurons and decreases anxiety-like behaviors in rats., Physiology & Behavior, 104, 2, 199-204
1975 L. Rossi-Bernardi, M. Luzzana, M. Samaja, M. Davi, D. DaRiva-Ricci, J. Minoli, B. Seaton and R. L. Berger Continuous determination of the oxygen dissociation curve for whole blood., Clinical Chemistry, 1975 Nov; 21 (12), 1747-53
1994 M. A. Gerrits, N. F. Ramsey, G. Wolterink and J. M. van Ree Lack of evidence for an involvement of nucleus accumbens dopamine D1 receptors in the initiation of heroin self-administration in the rat., Psychopharmacology, 114, 3, 486-94
1999 M. A. Gerrits, V. M. Wiegant and J. M. Van Ree Endogenous opioids implicated in the dynamics of experimental drug addiction: an in vivo autoradiographic analysis., Neuroscience, 89, 4, 1219-27