Citation Library

Razel Scientific Instruments keeps a detailed citations library of published research featuring our products. If you have a citation and would like to add it to our library, send your information to us by completing the “Submit a Citation” form.

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2005 A. D. Le, S. Harding, W. Juzytsch, D. Funk and Y. Shaham Role of alpha-2 adrenoceptors in stress-induced reinstatement of alcohol seeking and alcohol self-administration in rats., Psychopharmacology, 179, 2, 366-73
2000 A. D. Le, S. Harding, W. Juzytsch, J. Watchus, U. Shalev and Y. Shaham The role of corticotrophin-releasing factor in stress-induced relapse to alcohol-seeking behavior in rats., Psychopharmacology, 150, 3, 317-24
2009 A. Dzung Le, D. Funk, S. Harding, W. Juzytsch and P. J. Fletcher The role of noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine in yohimbine-induced increases in alcohol-seeking in rats., Psychopharmacology, 204, 3, 477-88
2011 A. Ettenberg, O. A. Ofer, C. L. Mueller, S. Waldroup, A. Cohen and O. Ben-Shahar Inactivation of the dorsal raphe nucleus reduces the anxiogenic response of rats running an alley for intravenous cocaine., Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, 97, 4, 632-9
2006 A. F. Hoffman and C. R. Lupica Visualizing cannabinoid effects using brain slice imaging and electrophysiological approaches., Methods in molecular medicine, 123, 105-12
2000 A. F. Hoffman and C. R. Lupica Mechanisms of cannabinoid inhibition of GABA(A) synaptic transmission in the hippocampus., The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 20, 7, 2470-9
1999 A. F. Hoffman and G. A. Gerhardt Differences in pharmacological properties of dopamine release between the substantia nigra and striatum: an in vivo electrochemical study., The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 289, 1, 455-63